dzisiaj mam dla was projekt, który przygotowałam z pięknych papierów ScrapAndMe "Romantic Garden". Mam wielką przyjemność tworzyć jako gościnan projektantka, więc na pewno to nie ostatnie moje spotkanie z tą kolekcją.
today I have a project for with the beautiful papers from ScrapAndMe - "Romantic Garden". I'm very pleased to be a guest designer, so it's definitely not my last meeting with this collection.
dzisiaj mam dla Was dwa tagi. Bardzo lubię tą małą formę, która pozwala mi sie skupić na każdym najmniejszym detalu. Chciałam Wam pokazać, że tworzenie takich projektów nie jest trudne, oba tagi maja ten sam układ, ale dzięki innym kolorom i dodatkom mają zupełnie inny charakter.
Hello, today I have two tags for you. I really like this small form that allows me to focus on every little detail. I wanted to show you that creating such projects is not difficult, both tags have the same structure, but thanks to different colors and embellishments they have a completely different character.
W tym tagu wykorzystałam papiery z kolekcji "Birdsong" Mintay Papers. Wycięłam mały wianuszek i motylki i wszystko ułożyłam warstwowo. Pamiętajcie o oddzieleniu warstw kartonem lub kawałkami tekturki, dzięki efektowi 3D tag wygląda o wiele ciekawiej.
In this tag I used papers from the "Birdsong" collection by Mintay Papers. I cut out a small wreath and butterflies and arranged everything in layers. Remember to separate the layers with cardboard, with this 3D effect the tag looks much more interesting.
W drugim projekcie użyłam przepięknej kolekcji "Serendipity White" z Piątku Trzynastego. Papiery same w sobie są dość neutralne, dzięki czemu są idealne do różnego rodzaju projektów.
In the second project I used the beautiful collection "Serendipity White" from Piątek Trzynastego. The papers are rather neutral, making them ideal for a variety of projects.
Dzisiaj mam dla Was słodki, dziewczęcy blejtram. Wykorzystałam tutaj jeden z moich ulubionych wykrojników z ostatnich Sizzixowych nowości - Heksagony. Ten zestaw składa się z dwóch części, dzięki czemu jest bardzo uniwersalny. Możecie wyciąć zupełnie osobny element (tak jak ja tutaj) lub wyciąć w papierze jedynie otwory w kształcie heksagonów. Oczywiście zostają jeszcze te malutkie heksagonki, które również wykorzystałam w tym projekcie.
I made a sweet, girly canvas with one of my favorite die from the latest chapter - Hexagons. This is a relly versatile die, it consists of two parts. You can cut a completely separate element (like me) or cut out only hexagon shaped holes. Of course, you still have great little hexagons, which I also used here.
Aby uzyskać takie kolorowe elementy, zabarwiłam papier akwarelowy za pomocą farb i mgiełek i dopiero wycięłam kształty.
To get such colorful elements, I colored the watercolor paper with paints and mists and than cut out the shapes.
For today's inspiration I made for you these two tags. I created both of them very spontaneously, out of the need of my heart and I'm really happy with them.
Only the tag with the little bottles comes with a video tutorial, but I wanted to show you the other one too.
When it comes to the technical side, it really isn't difficult to create such a complex looking background. Simply choose your favorite sprays and color the whole tag. Let the colors mix, melt, create stains and splashes. Add some print, numbers, sentiments etc. I chose rub-ons, but stamps will work just as well, just remember to use permanent ink.
I also found a great way to add some really interesting texture.
I applied Art Extravagance Graphite Paste through the 'Checker' stencil, sprinkled unevenly with embossing powder and melted it. I used golden powder that creates beautiful contrast and looks fabulous on this black paste.
Because the background is quite rich and I really liked it, I didn't want to cover it with too many embellishments. In both projects I only added smaller tags (colored the same way as the base), some twine and dreamy Mechanicals Stars and screws. On one of the tags, I added inspiring messages (your own handwriting would look brilliant too!) in tiny glass bottles half filled with delicate Mini Art Stones. Add any fussy cut collage elements you feel inspired by. You can cut them out of a magazine, use vintage photos or Finnabair's Ephemera elements.
With all my elements ready, I added some accents with one of the brand new colors of Metallique paints - Golden Moss. I've never been a big fan of green but this one looks absolutely gorgeous!
Finally, a touch of Vintage Gold Wax on the edges and a few splashes of white acrylic ink here to complete the look and my tags were ready.
And now it's time for my video tutorial in which you'll see how I created the tag with the special message bottles. Enjoy!
As you can see not only large and complicated projects can be interesting and fun to make. :)
Try to create something small and pay attention to every little detail. Enjoy all the steps of your creative process and I'm sure you'll love it so much that you will not stop at one, just like me. :)